AUTHOR: Sara TITLE: Vino Vino Vino!!! DATE: 2/20/2005 07:18:00 PM ----- BODY:
I went and saw the movie Sideways this afternoon . . . I am thinking the alternate titles they decided against were: 1) Would you like some Wine with your Wine and your Wine? 2) When Bad Friends Happen to Good People 3) It Must Be Cool to Live in Solvang I won't ruin the movie for those of you that have yet to see it, but there is one part that got me thinking. One of the characters has too much too drink after just finding out his x-wife has recently remarried. He excuses himself from the table and does the drunken stroll (don't play like you don't know what stroll that is . . ) to the telephone booth and calls his x-wife, making a fool of himself in the process. When he returns, his friend, who has been trying to get him laid the whole week, says, "Oh no . . . did you drink and dial?" Needless to say, I almost peed my pants. How perfectly put! Someone has beautifully coined a phrase for the thing I used to do! Before I met Mike and after I left T, which we won't discuss again, I drank and dialed my way through every Friday and Saturday night for about 6 months, come to think of it. Whether I was calling the loser UPS man that I dated (he had really nice triceps from lifting! Stop teasing me! Okay, so he had a nice package! Ooops . . freudian slip!) Or calling other random people listed in my cell phone and trying to have philosophical conversations at 3 am from the MGM Grand Parking Lot, I was a habitual drinker/dialer. So . . I turn the question over to you, my friends. Cough it up! Who has also participated in some drinking and dialing behavior? Don't deny it . .