AUTHOR: Sara TITLE: #&%!*? DATE: 1/17/2005 10:17:00 AM ----- BODY:
I had a brief lapse in sanity yesterday when I THOUGHT my OPK was positive. Let's just start this very teeth-gritting entry to say that I really do hate OPKs. They suck because it is not cut and dry, like it should be. I don't know what the limits are to when you can view your result either. (like on a pregnancy test, they say to only review the result for so long before it is considered changeable or something.) So, I have three days of OPKs sitting on my computer desk, much to the confusion of my husband, who I just would rather not have to explain to why I need to test everyday anyway. Yes, my little test line has gotten thicker and darker over the past few days, but just as the instructions say, IT IS NOT THE SAME COLOR OR DARKER THAN THE REFERENCE LINE. So . . . ovulation has not yet been reached. MF. I am thinking of just investing in the ones that say "yes" and "no" so I don't have to deal with all of this drama. Am I the only person who has issues with this?!?